Open chain stitch also known as square chain stitch, and Roman chain
stitch. Open chain stitch is a variation of chain stitch and worked in a
similar way. It can be worked in open or closed manner by adjusting the
parallel spacing. The stitch supports mirrors quite well. To add a
decorative effect, beads can be added. Different threads or ribbons can
be used to give different effects.
The stitch is worked over two imaginary lines. One can even mark the
two lines initially. Bring the needle up on the left-hand side. Insert
the needle through the fabric on the right hand side and bring it out to
left of the line to be stitched. Wrap the thread under the needle point
and pull the needle through the fabric. Insert the needle on the right
hand side inside the loop, and take the needle through the fabric to the
left of the line to be stitched.