B2B trade zone for embroidered products, including
home furnishings, apparels, gifts, jewellery etc.
Border EmbroideryBorders are embroidery patterns that define the edges of a fabric used for any functional purpose.Embroidered borders engage great skill and precision as it is not easy to line the fine edges of a cloth. A host designs in various shapes ans sizes are employed to be used as borders.Some of them are as follows: Leaf embroidery: Leaf patterns are used for portraying the flora in their most natural forms. Different types of leaves have been used in varied combinations in borders. Each leaf is beautifully designed and the combination of colors rendered is so rightful that they seem real particularly the veins. Floral embroidery:Floral borders with tiny flowers in creeping patterns and stand alone motifs are arranged to give an exotic look to the product.The patterns are basically inspired through Mughal and Persian art forms. Artichokes borders: Artichoke is a common traditional motif of European and modern American embroidery forms.It can be found in ancient Greek and Roman art forms.Embroiderers have captured the plant specially fruit in various ways. A score of other shapes are harnessed in various combinations to accentuate the patterns used as borders.